
Gas pain natural remedy

Gas pain, natural remedy
A freind of mine asked me to post about a home remedy for gas pain, and I promessed him to post about it.
Who hasn't suffered from gas pain in some periods of life or may be constantly ?
Gas pain may sound small problem that will be gone after a while, but it can be very annoying, imagine that you won't be able to concentrate on work if you're working, on exam or class if you were a student, on meetings, parties.. and all public or social events.
First of all, try to understand from where it comes, and see if it's not so severe that you should take medicine.
If it's not, nothing is better than the natural way, the herbal tea that you can find in the pharmacy for gas pain can be very helpful.
But if you want to make the herbal tea yourself then here are some natural herbs which are good for Gas pain and tips that you can do :
1. Tip number one is changing your way of living, if you don't practice sport or you're not an active person you don't move a lot you sit a lot try to change that or maybe you were an active person before but your way of life has changed recently. Take a walk rather than you take a bus !
2. Tip number two besides of being active or practicing sport, drink a lot of water.
3. Tip number three is chewing food throughoutly, the more you chew it throughoutly the more you digest it faster.
4. Tip number four is drinking one of the herbal tea below after the meal to improve the digestion of food if you still find a difficulty in digestion :
*Ginger tea or you can add grated ginger to your salad instead.
*Pepermint tea.
*Chamomile tea.
*Anise seeds tea.
*Fennel seeds tea.
*Parsley seeds tea.
*Cinnamon tea.
*Cardamom tea.
*Apple cedar vinegar has been helpful too to some people, add one teaspoon apple vinegar to a glass of water.
If you have any question about making herbs tea or their proportions, seed's proportions or any question just ask and I'll answer you !
Finally try to relax because sometimes it is just a matter of stress. Some Yoga poses may be helpful too !


  1. intereting informations, i'll try the herbal tea at home..

    i LikE iT

  2. Good choice ! I hope it will be beneficial for you :)

  3. wich one you recomend it more?

  4. For me I'd go with the pepermint and fennel both together, cause of their calming effects, I take them even before I have any pain. But it depends on you and what you prefer the most.

  5. For me I'd go with the pepermint and fennel both together, cause of their calming effects, I take them even before I have any pain. But it depends on you and what you prefer the most.

    1. thank you verry much for your advices i will try it and told you the result

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
